Since he was young, Dr. de Quintana wanted to be a doctor in order to help people. He studied for his degree in Medicine and Surgery at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). In the first years of his studies, he was fascinated with the somewhat unknown, yet beautifully complex organ of the brain. Moreover, his preference for the surgical field made the decision about which specialty to choose very easy: Neurosurgery.
His Neurosurgery residency was done at Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. After years of hard work and studying, he began subspecializations in two principal fields: Brain Tumors (Neuro-Oncology) and Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. He complemented his training doing fellowships in two world reference hospitals: Hospitalier Universitaire in Montpellier and Ospedale Niguarda in Milan.
Currently, Dr. de Quintana is the Chairman of Neurosurgery at Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, and Coordinator of Neuro-Onology at Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau and Hospital Mar.
In the academic field, he is a Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona where he is in charge of teaching Neurosurgery.
Membership number:39.735
Medical Association of Barcelona

- 2023 - Present: Chairman of Neurosurgery. Hospital de
la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.
- 2020 - 2023: Coordinator of Neurosurgery. Hospital de
la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.
- 2022 - Present: Senior Neurosurgeon Clinica Corachan.
- 2022 - Present: Senior Neurosurgeon Clinica Diagonal.
- 2016 - 2022: Chairman of Neurosurgery. Hospital Sanitas CIMA.
- 2010 – Present: Senior Staff (Coordinator of Neuro-Oncology). Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona.
- 2014 – 2016: Head of Neurosurgery. Hospital Sanitas CIMA.
- 2011 – Present: On-call Doctor. Hospital General de Catalunya, Barcelona.
- 2012 – Present: Neurosurgery staff. Hospital Dexeus, Barcelona.
- 2012 – 2014: Neurosurgery staff. Hospital CIMA, Barcelona.
- 2012 – 2014: Neurosurgery staff. Clínica del Vallès; Sabadell.
- 2010 – 2012: Neurosurgery staff. Hospital Quiron, Barcelona.
- 2010 – 2011: On-call Doctor. Hospital Mútua de Terrassa and Parc Taulí de Sabadell.
- 2005 – 2010: * Resident of Neurosurgery. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona.

- 2013 – 2019: Founder of a center for spine rehabilitation. (Gyrotonic Barcelona Salud):
- 2005 – 2007: Professor: preparation for MIR exam. CTO, Barcelona.

- 2018 – Present: Professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
- 2013 – 2016: Doctorate (Ph.D.). Brain mapping in awake patient and intraoperative tractography in the resection of supratentorial brain tumor. Qualification: Excellent.
- 2017 - Present: Coordinator of Central Nervous System Tumors. Hospital de Sant Pau.
- 2016 - Present: Professional degree in Hospital de Sant Pau. Certification of Senior Staff.
- 2016 - Present: Member of the PPT Unit. Hospital de Sant Pau.
- 2016 - Present: Member of the Spine Unit. Hospital de Sant Pau.
- 2015 – 2018: Assistant Professor. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
- 2016: Thesis: Medical Emergency: Polytraumatic Code.
- 2013: Thesis: Brain mapping in awake patients and intraoperative tractography in the resection of supratentorial brain tumors.
- 2005 – 2010: Specialist in Neurosurgery. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Barcelona).
- February 2010: Fellow: Ospedale Niguarda Ca’Granda (Milan) with Dr. Lo Russo. World reference hospital in seizures.
- January 2010: Fellow: Hospital Gui de Chauliac (Montpellier) with Dr. Duffau. World reference hospital in brain surgery.
- June - July 2008: Fellow: Hospital San Juan de Déu (Barcelona). National reference hospital in pediatric neurosurgery.
- 1998 – 2004: Medical degree.

- 2019: Research collaborator: Hacia un tratamiento farmacológico para la deficiencia en SYNGAP1. Estudios preclínicos para investigar la eficacia de 4 fármacos en el rescate de los principales fenotipos. RTI2018-097037-B-I00.
- 2019: Research collaborator. HSACat. Estudio multicentrico sobre la HSA en Catalunya.
- 2018: Lead investigator: Aplicación de nuevas tecnologías en la resección de tumores intracraneales. IIBSP-TIC-2018-53.
- 2018: Research collaborator. Estudio SWITCH.
- 2018: Research collaborator. Funcionamiento y seguridad de un sistema de fijación craneal de tipo Remache Polimérico (NEOS).
- 2017: Lead investigator. Estudio de la supervivencia en relación al grado de resección y los restos tumorales (subgrupo de GLIOCAT).
- 2016: Lead investigator. Eficacia de radiofrecuencia del ganglio esfenopalatino en la cefalea de racimos crónica. IIBSP-CEF-2016-26.
- 2015 – Present: Lead investigator. GLIOCAT: estudio multicéntrico y multidimensional del glioblastoma correlacionando factores moleculares de expresión génica con perfiles radiológicos y respuesta al tratamiento.
- 2015 – Present: Lead investigator. Dinámica de la maquinaria molecular sináptica en los procesos cognitivos y el déficit intelectual (Proyecto FIS). IIBSP-SYN-2015-89.
- 2014 – Present: * Research collaborator. GlioCat: Programa para la recopilación de datos sobre los glioblastomas intervenidos en los Hospitales más importantes de Catalunya.
- 2014 – 2018: Research collaborator. MISTIE-III. Minimally Invasive Surgery Plus rt-Pa for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation).
- 2012 – 2015: Research collaborator. Investigación clínica sobre dos sistema de fijación craneal. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.
- 2010 – 2015: Research collaborator. CLEAR III. Clot Lysis: Evaluating Accelerated Resolution of Intraventricular Hemorrhage Phase III.
- 2009 – 2013: Research collaborator. Use of human pluripotent stem cells as vehicles for localized delivery of therapy.
- 2008 – 2009: Research collaborator. ImpACT-24 pivotal study for Acute Ischemic Stroke. (electrical stimulation of the Spheno-Palatine Ganglion).
- 2007 – 2008: Research collaborator. Custom IMD. Research assistant. Supply Chain Integration for Enhanced Fully Customisable Medical Implants, using New Biomaterials and Rapid Manufacturing Technologies, to Enhance the Quality of Life of EU citizens.
- Beca Fis 2007: * Research collaborator. Project about deep brain stimulation.

- 2012: Course on "Pla d'emergencies a quiròfan". Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.
- 2012: Course on "Llei de protecció de dades". Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.
- 2013: Course on "Economia Báscia Sanitaria". Fundació Metges (Metges de Catalunya).
- 2014: Course on "Introducción a la Gestión Sanitaria" Colegio de Médicos de Barcelona.
- 2015: Course on "Qualitat i seguretat dels pacients" Unió Consorci Formació.
- 2016: Course on "Sistemas de Gestión V1" Hospital Sanitas CIMA.
- 2016: Participation in Joint Comission. Hospital Sanitas CIMA.
- 2016: Master: Healthcare management. 60 credits.
- 2016: Course on "Prevención de infecciones relacionadas con la atención sanitaria" Hospital Sanitas CIMA.
- 2017: Course on "Prevención de riesgos laborales: Incendios" Hospital Sanitas CIMA
- 2017: Elaboration of informed consent in brain tumors for the Spanish Neurosurgery Society.
- 2018: Course on “Qualitat i Seguretat del Pacients a l’Atenció Quirúrgica”.
- 2019: Course on “Prevención de infecciones relacionadas con la atención sanitaria”. Hospital Sanitas CIMA.
- 2019: Course on “Formación básica en incendios”. Hospital Sanitas CIMA.

- 2017 – Present: Journal Club of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS).
- 2016 - Present: Active member of European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS).
- 2016 - Present: Active member of European Association of Neuro-Oncology.
- 2015 - Present: Delegate of Neurosurgery in CDCF (Sant Pau).
- 2012 - Present: Coordinator of Sociedad Catalana de Neurocirurgia.
- 2012 - Present: Active member of Neuro-Onology team of SENEC (GTNO).
- 2013 – Present: Active member of GEINO.
- 2007 – Present: Active member of Sociedad Catalana de Neurocirugía.
- 2007 – Present: Active member of Sociedad Española de Neurocirugía (S.E.N.E.C.).

- More than 250 publications, communications, and conferences.
- 2023 - Present: Present Chairman of Neurosurgery. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.
- 2020 - 2023: Present Coordinator of Neurosurgery. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.
- 2022 - Present: Senior Neurosurgeon Clinica Corachan.
- 2022 - Present: Senior Neurosurgeon Clinica Diagonal.
- 2016 - 2022: Chairman of Neurosurgery. Hospital Sanitas CIMA.
- 2010 – Present: Senior Staff (Coordinator of Neuro-Oncology). Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona.
- 2014 – 2016: Head of Neurosurgery. Hospital Sanitas CIMA.
- 2011 – Present: On-call Doctor. Hospital General de Catalunya, Barcelona.
- 2012 – Present: Neurosurgery staff. Hospital Dexeus, Barcelona.
- 2012 – 2014: Neurosurgery staff. Hospital CIMA, Barcelona.
- 2012 – 2014: Neurosurgery staff. Clínica del Vallès; Sabadell.
- 2010 – 2012: Neurosurgery staff. Hospital Quiron, Barcelona.
- 2010 – 2011: On-call Doctor. Hospital Mútua de Terrassa and Parc Taulí de Sabadell.
- 2005 – 2010: * Resident of Neurosurgery. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona.

- 2013 – 2019: Founder of a center for spine rehabilitation. (Gyrotonic Barcelona Salud):
- 2005 – 2007: Professor: preparation for MIR exam. CTO, Barcelona.

- 2018 – Present: Professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
- 2013 – 2016: Doctorate (Ph.D.). Brain mapping in awake patient and intraoperative tractography in the resection of supratentorial brain tumor. Qualification: Excellent.
- 2017 - Present: Coordinator of Central Nervous System Tumors. Hospital de Sant Pau.
- 2016 - Present: Professional degree in Hospital de Sant Pau. Certification of Senior Staff.
- 2016 - Present: Member of the PPT Unit. Hospital de Sant Pau.
- 2016 - Present: Member of the Spine Unit. Hospital de Sant Pau.
- 2015 – 2018: Assistant Professor. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
- 2016: Thesis: Medical Emergency: Polytraumatic Code.
- 2013: Thesis: Brain mapping in awake patients and intraoperative tractography in the resection of supratentorial brain tumors.
- 2005 – 2010: Specialist in Neurosurgery. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Barcelona).
- February 2010: Fellow: Ospedale Niguarda Ca’Granda (Milan) with Dr. Lo Russo. World reference hospital in seizures.
- January 2010: Fellow: Hospital Gui de Chauliac (Montpellier) with Dr. Duffau. World reference hospital in brain surgery.
- June - July 2008: Fellow: Hospital San Juan de Déu (Barcelona). National reference hospital in pediatric neurosurgery.
- 1998 – 2004: Medical degree.

- 2019: Research collaborator: Hacia un tratamiento farmacológico para la deficiencia en SYNGAP1. Estudios preclínicos para investigar la eficacia de 4 fármacos en el rescate de los principales fenotipos. RTI2018-097037-B-I00.
- 2019: Research collaborator. HSACat. Estudio multicentrico sobre la HSA en Catalunya.
- 2018: Lead investigator: Aplicación de nuevas tecnologías en la resección de tumores intracraneales. IIBSP-TIC-2018-53.
- 2018: Research collaborator. Estudio SWITCH.
- 2018: Research collaborator. Funcionamiento y seguridad de un sistema de fijación craneal de tipo Remache Polimérico (NEOS).
- 2017: Lead investigator. Estudio de la supervivencia en relación al grado de resección y los restos tumorales (subgrupo de GLIOCAT).
- 2016: Lead investigator. Eficacia de radiofrecuencia del ganglio esfenopalatino en la cefalea de racimos crónica. IIBSP-CEF-2016-26.
- 2015 – Present: Lead investigator. GLIOCAT: estudio multicéntrico y multidimensional del glioblastoma correlacionando factores moleculares de expresión génica con perfiles radiológicos y respuesta al tratamiento.
- 2015 – Present: Lead investigator. Dinámica de la maquinaria molecular sináptica en los procesos cognitivos y el déficit intelectual (Proyecto FIS). IIBSP-SYN-2015-89.
- 2014 – Present: * Research collaborator. GlioCat: Programa para la recopilación de datos sobre los glioblastomas intervenidos en los Hospitales más importantes de Catalunya.
- 2014 – 2018: Research collaborator. MISTIE-III. Minimally Invasive Surgery Plus rt-Pa for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation).
- 2012 – 2015: Research collaborator. Investigación clínica sobre dos sistema de fijación craneal. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.
- 2010 – 2015: Research collaborator. CLEAR III. Clot Lysis: Evaluating Accelerated Resolution of Intraventricular Hemorrhage Phase III.
- 2009 – 2013: Research collaborator. Use of human pluripotent stem cells as vehicles for localized delivery of therapy.
- 2008 – 2009: Research collaborator. ImpACT-24 pivotal study for Acute Ischemic Stroke. (electrical stimulation of the Spheno-Palatine Ganglion).
- 2007 – 2008: Research collaborator. Custom IMD. Research assistant. Supply Chain Integration for Enhanced Fully Customisable Medical Implants, using New Biomaterials and Rapid Manufacturing Technologies, to Enhance the Quality of Life of EU citizens.
- Beca Fis 2007: * Research collaborator. Project about deep brain stimulation.

- 2012: Course on "Pla d'emergencies a quiròfan". Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.
- 2012: Course on "Llei de protecció de dades". Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.
- 2013: Course on "Economia Báscia Sanitaria". Fundació Metges (Metges de Catalunya).
- 2014: Course on "Introducción a la Gestión Sanitaria" Colegio de Médicos de Barcelona.
- 2015: Course on "Qualitat i seguretat dels pacients" Unió Consorci Formació.
- 2016: Course on "Sistemas de Gestión V1" Hospital Sanitas CIMA.
- 2016: Participation in Joint Comission. Hospital Sanitas CIMA.
- 2016: Master: Healthcare management. 60 credits.
- 2016: Course on "Prevención de infecciones relacionadas con la atención sanitaria" Hospital Sanitas CIMA.
- 2017: Course on "Prevención de riesgos laborales: Incendios" Hospital Sanitas CIMA
- 2017: Elaboration of informed consent in brain tumors for the Spanish Neurosurgery Society.
- 2018: Course on “Qualitat i Seguretat del Pacients a l’Atenció Quirúrgica”.
- 2019: Course on “Prevención de infecciones relacionadas con la atención sanitaria”. Hospital Sanitas CIMA.
- 2019: Course on “Formación básica en incendios”. Hospital Sanitas CIMA.

- 2017 – Present: Journal Club of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS).
- 2016 - Present: Active member of European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS).
- 2016 - Present: Active member of European Association of Neuro-Oncology.
- 2015 - Present: Delegate of Neurosurgery in CDCF (Sant Pau).
- 2012 - Present: Coordinator of Sociedad Catalana de Neurocirurgia.
- 2012 - Present: Active member of Neuro-Onology team of SENEC (GTNO).
- 2013 – Present: Active member of GEINO.
- 2007 – Present: Active member of Sociedad Catalana de Neurocirugía.
- 2007 – Present: Active member of Sociedad Española de Neurocirugía (S.E.N.E.C.).

- More than 250 publications, communications, and conferences.